This year we had 5 teens attend the Wilds Camp in Brevard. They had an outstanding fun time but serious in their commitments to the Lord. Our church also was privileged to have representatives from the Wilds' CampsAbroad program come to speak to us. CampsAbroad is a camps ministry with a "great potential to reach young people for Christ." They take the camps ministry idea to local churches offering training, and some equipment to countries all over the world, helping these countries have their own camping ministries for Christ. I pray that children and young people in many areas can have the valuable experience our youth (and even our Seniors)* have had. Recently they were in Lebanon. You can read more about CampsAbroad. Here are links to this precious ministry:
*The Wilds offers camps for Seniors and families too.
Hooray, Back to the Wilds camp in Brevard, N.C.!
This year was another year of learning about who God is to each person who participated and their response. 7 youth went including our missionary kids who will soon be in God's service with their parents in Panama. Here are some of the comments the campers made this year:
We learned how strong Daniel was through his faith and that he refused to defile himself.
I was so inspired by the counselors that I would like to return to be a counselor someday.
I learned how important it is to obey God and my parents.
I was ashamed at my pridefulness.We learned Daniel was not prideful.
I learned how to study the Bible better.
I learned to stay away from temptation.
I learned verses of assurance from my counselor.
I learned about taming my tongue!
I committed my life to the Lord. I really know now He has saved me!
All the campers said that, as usual, they had an enjoyable journey! Thank you, our customers, for enabling BeachBabyDoll to help a little. PS. The youth liked the Wilds so much last year that some of the seniors went to Senior camp in the Fall. You're never too old to go to camp with the Lord!
Combined camp at the Wilds near Brevard, N.C.
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Harbor Baptist Youth telling us about their camp experience |
The Wilds Stock Photo |
This year 13 young people: junior and teen campers went to the Wilds near Brevard, NC You may want to check out their website! .
See their promotional videos at
This was the first year that Harbor Baptist Church youth of all ages both junior and teen campers went to a week long sleep-away camp. Even the college youth went during spring break. Last Sunday June 24, 2012, the juniors and teens gave the church a report on their experience at camp in this beautiful spot. They were so sincere in wanting to thank all the people, like our customers who had helped them go to camp. It has been so encouraging to see them grow. They learned so much and many were re-inforced in their teaching from last year. They reported again that they loved the Giant Swing, they loved the Vortex, the tube sliding, archery, zip line, water activities, and making new friends, to name a few exciting events. The pastor (Ron Todd) said he was so glad to see them so active and not using cell phones, etc. They had to give up their electronics for a whole week! They had so much fun that our Senior adults are going to the Wilds in October!
What the teen campers learned this year:
"Obey with a cheerful spirit,"" knowing Jesus is my friend and stay close to him", "God is in my heart", "I want to be a missionary", "I want to be a walking sermon" so those in my family who do not know God will come to know him, sadness for people who refuse Christ and are separated from Him, committed to praying for unsaved family and friends. "Surrendering my life to Christ", "know my body belongs to God", "want to put God first", "want to have daily devotions and quiet time with the Lord". Some of their favorite and most applied verses this summer are located in Romans 12: 1-2,6-8,14-21. (Click for verses)
What the junior campers learned this year:
(The Junior campers were about 9 years old to teen age.)
Their remarks: "Best Camp ever!" "I want to remember devotions." "To grow closer to God", learned more about Creation, "felt sure of my salvation", "learning to trust God with all my decisions", committed " not to fight with my little brother". All are excited about the possibility of returning to this wonderful Christian experience next summer.
Thank you.
Thank you, wonderful people, for helping send the teens and children of Harbor Baptist Church in Ormond Beach to Christian summer camp. Today is June 17,2011 and teen camp is almost done. The younger ones go next week. I just recieved a wonderful email report from our pastor, Ronald Todd :
"This has been an awesome week of camp. Many teens have been saved and most have made good solid spiritual decisions, including all five from our church. They will share their thoughts and testimonies about this week in the Sunday evening service. We will also show a video of the highlights of the week. Please don't miss the Sunday evening service. Our teens need your support and encouragement. Please pray for our safe trip home tomorrow.
There are some pictures available on the camp website. Go to
Thanks for giving and praying to make this week such an awesome week."
Two of our beautiful campers! |
BeachBabyDoll will be sharing more reports soon. Thanks so much!!!!
This past Sunday Harbor Baptist Church of Ormond Beach, FL. received wonderful testimonies from the 5 teens that attended the Wilds Christian Camp in North Carolina. They were sooo inspiring to us adults because they allowed the Lord to teach them some valuable lessons that us adults need to review too. Not only that, the Lord enabled them to speak so well before the whole congregation. They told us how much fun they had at the Wilds, awesome competitions through team work, crazy rides on the giant swing and most of all, getting closer to their old and new friends at the camp, including the Lord Jesus! Some of the spiritual growth goals they shared with the Lord and asked for His Grace in helping them were:
Replacing underlying anger with kind-heartedness
Purity in all actions
Remaining pure till marriage
Eliminating gossiping
Eliminating a complaining attitude
Eliminating procrastination or laziness
Choosing wisely
Avoiding alcohol
Giving his or her whole life to the Lord
Strength to stand up against temptations and peer pressure especially in the area of friendships with the opposite sex
They all expressed how great they felt coming closer to the Lord and His Word. Some of the scriptures that they mentioned through which the Lord spoke to them are:
Psalm 103: 8 The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.
Ephesians 4: 31 and 32 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
Proverbs 24: 30-34
I went by the field of the lazy man,
And by the vineyard of the man devoid of understanding;
And there it was, all overgrown with thorns;
Its surface was covered with nettles;
Its stone wall was broken down.
When I saw it, I considered it well;
I looked on it and received instruction:
A little sleep, a little slumber,
A little folding of the hands to rest;
So shall your poverty come like a prowler,
And your need like an armed man.
Romans 12;: 1-2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
In their testimony, they reminded me, how much I need to grow through the Lord too. BeachBabyDoll is so blessed with these teens in our church family and pleased that the Lord let the doll clothes and sock monkeys be a little help enabling the camp experience for some of them and the younger youth that also experienced their camp in Florida in June. Prayerfully, even more can participate next year! Our customers are sooo appreciated. Thank you so much for your part in these experiences. Hugs, Sylvia
Update: July 8, 2011
We had the beautiful report from our junior campers last Sunday night. What a thrill. We had a patriotic duet by two of our young boys. One of our older junior campers was chosen Camper of the Week for the whole camp! The children showed us a really great DVD that Miss Jennifer made of their pictures. It looked like that had many fun activities, lots of water activities which was good cause it was hot that week! The most amazing blessing was that we had 10 junior campers go and they are learned so many memory verses. 9 campers learned 20 verses each! And the 10th camper, who was just 6 years old, learned 10 verses. Several of the campers stated that they, like the teens, wanted to offer their bodies to the Lord as a living sacrifice for His work. These are experiences they will never forget and those verses will stick in their growing minds!
This past Sunday Harbor Baptist Church of Ormond Beach, FL. received wonderful testimonies from the 5 teens that attended the Wilds Christian Camp in North Carolina. They were sooo inspiring to us adults because they allowed the Lord to teach them some valuable lessons that us adults need to review too. Not only that, the Lord enabled them to speak so well before the whole congregation. They told us how much fun they had at the Wilds, awesome competitions through team work, crazy rides on the giant swing and most of all, getting closer to their old and new friends at the camp, including the Lord Jesus! Some of the spiritual growth goals they shared with the Lord and asked for His Grace in helping them were:
Replacing underlying anger with kind-heartedness
Purity in all actions
Remaining pure till marriage
Eliminating gossiping
Eliminating a complaining attitude
Eliminating procrastination or laziness
Choosing wisely
Avoiding alcohol
Giving his or her whole life to the Lord
Strength to stand up against temptations and peer pressure especially in the area of friendships with the opposite sex
They all expressed how great they felt coming closer to the Lord and His Word. Some of the scriptures that they mentioned through which the Lord spoke to them are:
Psalm 103: 8 The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.
Ephesians 4: 31 and 32 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
Proverbs 24: 30-34
I went by the field of the lazy man,
And by the vineyard of the man devoid of understanding;
And there it was, all overgrown with thorns;
Its surface was covered with nettles;
Its stone wall was broken down.
When I saw it, I considered it well;
I looked on it and received instruction:
A little sleep, a little slumber,
A little folding of the hands to rest;
So shall your poverty come like a prowler,
And your need like an armed man.
Romans 12;: 1-2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
In their testimony, they reminded me, how much I need to grow through the Lord too. BeachBabyDoll is so blessed with these teens in our church family and pleased that the Lord let the doll clothes and sock monkeys be a little help enabling the camp experience for some of them and the younger youth that also experienced their camp in Florida in June. Prayerfully, even more can participate next year! Our customers are sooo appreciated. Thank you so much for your part in these experiences. Hugs, Sylvia
Update: July 8, 2011
We had the beautiful report from our junior campers last Sunday night. What a thrill. We had a patriotic duet by two of our young boys. One of our older junior campers was chosen Camper of the Week for the whole camp! The children showed us a really great DVD that Miss Jennifer made of their pictures. It looked like that had many fun activities, lots of water activities which was good cause it was hot that week! The most amazing blessing was that we had 10 junior campers go and they are learned so many memory verses. 9 campers learned 20 verses each! And the 10th camper, who was just 6 years old, learned 10 verses. Several of the campers stated that they, like the teens, wanted to offer their bodies to the Lord as a living sacrifice for His work. These are experiences they will never forget and those verses will stick in their growing minds!
Trinity Youth Camp |
Everybody grew a beard or mustache at Junior camp! Not really, I'm just protecting identities. They kind of look cute, though, especially the ladies! |