Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Who is dancing this summer?

Are you taking a special dancing class this summer?  Are you leaping for joy or trying something different like the hula? Maybe your dolls are dancing? (Mine are.) Check out Jasmine's blog
She was even flying! Congratulations to Jasmine on her award!
Here's some pictures of my dolls dancing. I don't have any pictures of me dancing! But in my heart I am!

 Today's verse reads the Lord is my strength and makes my feet like a deer's enabling me to go in high places. Habbakuk 3:19. That reminds me of Jasmine!
Not dancing?  What are you doing special this summer? Maybe you're going to camp or horseback riding!

 Or maybe, you're having fun in the neighborhood playing hide and seek?
  Comments welcomed!


Lena Grace said...

As for dancing, I'll be dancing on the beach! A happy dance of praise and thankfulness that beaches exist! :D

beachbabydoll1 said...

I'm with you on that one! Sylvia